Announcement Center
Announcement of Account Transfer from Bitget Türkiye to CoinTR

2024-09-16 21:00
Dear Users,
All shares of Bitget Teknoloji A.Ş. (Bitget Türkiye) have been acquired by our company, CoinTR Kripto
Varlık Alım Satım Platformu A.Ş., operating under the brand name CoinTR (
As of September 30, 2024, Bitget Türkiye will cease its operations in Türkiye. In this process, users who wish to transfer all balances in their Bitget Türkiye accounts to our platform CoinTR, will be able to continue their transactions as CoinTR users with the same transaction speed and assurance. Alternatively, users who do not wish to transfer their accounts can withdraw their Turkish Lira and cryptocurrency balances from their Bitget Türkiye accounts to any wallet or bank account by September 30, 2024, and terminate their customer relationship.
We are working to ensure a smooth and secure transfer of your current accounts to CoinTR, and this service is expected to be available from September 21, 2024. From this date, you will be able to easily transfer your accounts to CoinTR and quickly resume your transactions.
Additionally, new users who transfer their accounts to CoinTR by meeting the specified conditions will receive a welcome bonus of 350 TL credited to their CoinTR accounts.
(Note: The bonus will only be available to users who have completed the KYC process and transfer their Bitget Turkey accounts to CoinTR. Existing CoinTR users will not be eligible for the bonus.)
Important notice for BitgetTR users who wish to transfer their accounts to CoinTR: The following trading pairs are not listed on our platform, CoinTR. Therefore, BitgetTR users who hold these assets must convert them to USDT or transfer them to an external wallet before initiating the account transfer process. Otherwise, the transfer of these assets to your CoinTR account will not be possible.
For users who do not transfer their Bitget Türkiye accounts to our platform, CoinTR, or withdraw their funds to other wallets or bank accounts by September 30, 2024, their funds will continue to be securely stored at Bitget Türkiye. However, as the Bitget Türkiye website and application will be discontinued on the specified date, after this point, you will need to contact our customer support team via the CoinTR website for any inquiries regarding your balances.
You will also receive an email notification when the account transfer feature to CoinTR is activated.
Welcome to a New Era in Crypto with CoinTR: Sign up CoinTR
and Earn 350 TRY!
As CoinTR, we’re excited to announce a special campaign exclusively for our new users!
📅Campaign Period: September 21, 2024, 11:00 AM (TSI) - October 2, 2024, 11:59 PM (TSI)
Step into the world of crypto with CoinTR and earn a withdrawable 350 TRY by completing all the required steps!
Step 1: Deposit 700 TRY.
Step 2: Spot trade at least 700 TRY during campaign.
Don’t miss your chance to claim your share from the 700,000 TRY prize pool by completing all the steps!
The bonus will only be available to users who have completed the KYC process and transfer their Bitget Turkey accounts to CoinTR.
Existing CoinTR users will not be eligible for the bonus.
Each user has at least 20 USDT or equivalent asset balance at the end of campaign.
Terms & Conditions
Advanced verification (KYC) must be completed to participate in the event.
Event rewards will be distributed on a "First come, first served" basis.
The maximum reward amount that users can receive from the event is 350 Turkish Lira.
Each user can participate in only one event at a time.
Users must maintain a minimum balance of 20 USDT or equivalent assets in their accounts until the end of the event.
Only citizens with Turkish Republic IDs can participate in the campaign.
Users who enter the event page and participate in this event are deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of this event.
The value of the rewards may change due to market price fluctuations. CoinTR is not responsible for changes in the value of the rewards due to market fluctuations.
During the event, user behaviors will be closely monitored to prevent any fraudulent or abnormal behavior, such as opening multiple accounts, using others' accounts, using others' information to open accounts, providing false identity verification information, maliciously increasing trading data, money laundering activities, or wash-trading. CoinTR reserves the right to disqualify users from receiving rewards if any of the above actions are detected.
No more than two devices can be used for one account.
If withdrawals to the same cryptocurrency address from different CoinTR accounts are detected, CoinTR reserves the right to disqualify malicious users from the campaign at its sole discretion.
CoinTR reserves the right to disqualify any participant from this event without notice, even if otherwise stated.
CoinTR reserves the right to cancel, extend, terminate this event, change the eligibility conditions of users participating in the event, and rearrange the event rules, including but not limited to any changes related to the event. If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service.
For more information, please visit
Limited to 2,000 people.
The distribution of rewards will be completed within 10 business days after the end of the campaign.
Risk Reminder: Cryptocurrency prices are subject to high market risks and price volatility. The value of your investments may fluctuate, and you may lose the amount you invested. CoinTR is not responsible for potential losses. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The past price performance of cryptocurrencies does not guarantee future results, and users should only invest in products they are knowledgeable about and understand the risks involved. Before making any investment decisions, you should carefully evaluate your investment experience, financial situation, investment goals, and risk tolerance and consult an independent financial advisor. This event and its terms and conditions should not be construed as financial advice.